Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 2

Princess Street

This District is located between Dundonald Street to the south and Angle Street to the north and is home to a concentration of buildings of architectural merit. The predominant land use within the area is residential, however, there are also commercial uses including a social club, a health food shop, a clothing store and a café.

About Princess Street

At a Glance

This District is designated as a Historic Area under Section 31 of the Act, which prohibits the alteration of any building and the commencement or continuation of a building operation within the area unless planning permission has been granted. The intent of this designation is to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to any development which could impact upon the historic, architectural or cultural character of the area.



To ensure that future development proposals within and around the District are respectful of the character, appearance, form and layout of the area and its setting.


To support the residential use of the area given its established character, however, there is scope for small-scale commercial activities.


To support the retention and restoration of the Wantley building in recognition of its historical and architectural contribution to the area.


Community Benefits

This District is one of the most pleasant within the North East Hamilton area and has benefited, in visual terms, from works to improve the pedestrian environment in recent years. Whilst development opportunities within this District are extremely restricted at present, it is considered that community benefits accrued from any future development activity could be more effectively utilised within the wider North East Hamilton Local Plan area, as identified within the other ‘District’ sections of this Plan.