Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 3


District 3 is partially located on a steep slope and is predominantly residential character, however, as with all other districts, there are a range of commercial activities taking place, including retail, a laundrette and a takeaway restaurant. During a previous public consultation exercise, this area was highlighted as one of the most visually appealing parts of North East Hamilton.

About Uptown

At a Glance

The junction of Ewing Street and Court Street is one of the highest points in the City, with clear views to the south over Court Street and to the north over Pembroke Marsh and the residential neighbourhood beyond.

The eastern section of this District is a densely developed residential neighbourhood with mainly one and two storey buildings and extremely limited development opportunities. The car park at Court Street/ Elliot Street has been identified as a development opportunity within the Court Street District, however, the redevelopment or reuse of this site could extend further east into the site, covering both this District and the adjacent Union Square District.



To encourage new residential development in order increase the resident population of the City and make a positive contribution towards the vitality of the wider area.


To enhance the amenity and quality of life of existing residents through retaining the predominant residential character of the area whilst accommodating other small-scale complementary uses subject to impacts upon the amenity of the area.


The sites are within proximity of light industrial uses, however such uses are inappropriate within this area and the intensification of light industrial uses is unlikely to be supported.


Community Benefits