Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 1

Court Street

Court Street is the main street of North East Hamilton. Known as the ‘heart beat’ or the area, it’s predominantly comprised of local shops, eateries, bars, and nightclubs on the ground floor, while the upper floors are for residential use.

About Court Street

At a Glance

The buildings in this District are almost exclusively either single or two storey; one building (44 Court Street) has three storeys, with its upper floors set back from the street.

Such a scale of development, together with the wide tree-lined street with sidewalks on both sides, creates a relatively pleasant pedestrian environment, however this is somewhat compromised by the high level of vehicular traffic and on-street parking which is common along Court street, together with a lack of traffic calming measures and limited number of pedestrian crossings.

The boundary of the Court Street District has been determined based on the extent of which this area is intended to be preserved and enhanced as the main commercial street of North East Hamilton, which the Plan recognises as a key strategic principle for the regeneration of North East Hamilton as a whole, as reflected by Policy SP.1.



It is vital that ground floor uses remain predominantly commercial in nature throughout this District and, whilst shops, restaurants and cafés are preferred, other uses which provide active frontages and contribute to the vitality and viability of the District will be permitted.

To retain commercial uses with active frontages on ground floor units.


To ensure that street frontages maintain a “human scale” which respects the established built form.


To ensure that future design solutions are integrated with measures which assist in deterring crime and antisocial behavior.


To improve the pedestrian environment and encourage the user of public outdoor space.


Community Benefits