Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 7

Union Square

The area is comprised of mainly one to two storey buildings and accommodates a wide range of land uses including a health facility, bike repair business, warehousing, a church, offices, a bar, services union, theatre, gym and residential. Parking lots are a feature of this area and it is also known that the area is used for on-street parking for people working within the City.

About Union Square

At a Glance

This District is bound by Elliot Street to the north, Victoria Street to the south, King Street to the east and the rear of properties which front onto Court Street to the west. The land within this District rises gradually from its low point of Court Street up to the high point at Kings Street.

The District is essentially comprised of 4 distinct blocks, each with its own characteristics. The South western block is dominated by the Hamilton Health Centre, which is a Government-owned facility. However there are some commercial activities taking place within the south eastern corner of the block, including a bike repair shop, a retail clothing store and a barber shop. The Hamilton Health Centre site presents one of the best opportunities for large-scale redevelopment within the Plan area and would be suitable for a mixed-use development, comprising a broad range of uses and outdoor public space. However, it is also recognised that the site currently contains an important and well-utilised medical facility and that the services offered by this facility would have to either be replaced elsewhere or incorporated within a redevelopment scheme.



The southern boundary of this District is at the edge of North East Hamilton and therefore this area presents an opportunity to accommodate land uses which could be used to entice both residents and visitors into the area, with the hope of achieving knock-on benefits for established businesses.


To discourage additional car parking facilities


Community Benefits