Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 6

Parker’s Square

This District is located between Angle Street to the north and Dundonald Street to the south. The western boundary of the District runs from Brunswick Street in the south, along the western boundary of the Dundonald street car park to the western lot boundary of 10 Angle Street.

About Parker’s Square

At a Glance

The eastern boundary is defined by the Goslings building in the south and the large Bermuda Public Storage building in the north. This District is characterised by excessively large buildings which have an overbearing impact upon the streetscape and which often present blank elevations to the street.

The Elliot Street car park covers a significant proportion of land within this District. While there is a functional requirement for car parking within the City, this site contains minimal landscaping works to soften the visual impact of a large area of hard-surfacing and is bordered on two sides by large buildings with blank elevations. This makes the area susceptible to crime, particularly in the evening when there is reduced activity within the car park. The section of Elliot Street within this District unfortunately also exemplifies design features which should be avoided when designing for a City including, a lack of active frontages, a lack of natural surveillance by surrounding buildings and the use of roller shutters. Positive features of the street are that it is highly accessible due to its width and it contains sidewalks on both sides of the road.



Future development should contribute to the vitality and viability of the area through having active frontages and uses which have a public interface on the ground floor.


To ensure that future design solutions are integrated with measures which assist in deterring crime and antisocial behaviour.


To accommodate a broad range of uses.


Community Benefits