Uptown Development Authority Bermuda

District 5

Victoria Gardens

This area is located between Victoria Street to the south, Dundonald Street to the north, Court Street to the east and Cedar Avenue to the west. Within this District there are a range of uses including offices, a supermarket, a gas station, a social club, gyms and residences.

About Victoria Gardens

At a Glance

This area is located between Victoria Street to the south, Dundonald Street to the north, Court Street to the east and Cedar Avenue to the west. Within this District there are a range of uses including offices, a supermarket, a gas station, a social club, gyms and residences.

The District has a number of larger lots that accommodate larger developments, namely a modern business park and residential high-rise structures. The south western corner of this District is adjacent to Victoria Park gardens, which is one of the City’s most attractive amenities. The Victoria Street section of this District and the southern extent of Cedar Avenue are distinct from the wider North East Hamilton area as they have relatively modern developments, which have high occupancy levels. These land uses contribute to the vitality of the area as they generate pedestrian traffic, particularly during the working week. It is understandable why this area has proven to be a more appealing prospect for investment as it is closer to the core commercial area of the City, is adjacent to Victoria Park and is within proximity to the bus terminal.



To enable taller buildings of contemporary design within the southern part of the District, in recognition of the established characteristics of the area.


Broad mix of uses acceptable, preferably office and residential with ground floor shops, restaurants and cafes to complement such uses.


To ensure future development fronts onto the public realm to improve natural surveillance.


To ensure the continued protection and enhancement of the pleasant roadside environment of Cedar Avenue.


Community Benefits

This District benefits from a high quality built environment and easy access to one of the City’s best assets – Victoria Park. There is also good pedestrian connectivity within the area through the network of sidewalks and a generally pleasing, tree-lined roadside environment. The implementation of landscaping works and public art schemes will always be encouraged. However, in general terms, this District has one of the best quality environments and therefore, community benefit requirements arising from development within this District can be more meaningfully utilised through implementing projects within the wider North East Hamilton Local Plan area, as identified within the other ‘District’ sections of this Plan.